We make it simpler to save smarter
Lysa helps you invest your money automatically in global ETF:s and index funds with super low fees.
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How it works investing with Lysa
Answer a few questions
Open an account in minutes, it's free of charge. Start by answering a few questions about you and your financial situation.
Get a customised portfolio
Based on your responses, we suggest a personalised portfolio with global index funds at a low annual fee. You can always adjust the portfolio if you want.
Relax while your money grows
Every deposit that you make gets invested automatically. And we make sure that your portfolio’s risk level stays intact over time.
Time is on your side
See how your money can grow with Lysa compared to a regular bank account.
The chart shows a simulated calculation and a hypothetical comparison. Historical returns are no guarantee for future returns. Investments can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you get back the invested capital. Read more about how we calculated .
What makes Lysa better?
Based on science - not speculation
Lysa's investment strategy is based on Nobel prize winning research. Instead of stock picking, we invest your money into thousands of companies all over the world.
Customised for you
Based on your financial goals we customise each global portfolio with a risk level that suits you. So you can sleep well at night, knowing everything is on the right track.
Financial peace of mind
As time flies and markets move we automatically rebalance the portfolios so that your risk level stays intact. And with yearly updates, we make sure that your savings are in line with your life situation.
No hidden fees
Low fees are key in order to gain long term results. With Lysa you pay a low annual cost without any hidden fees. Actually, part of our business model is to lower the fees for you.
We're on your side
Lysa's only revenue comes directly from our customers. We don't accept kickbacks or payments from anyone else. This enables us to only have one interest in mind - yours.
Just as safe as your bank
With Lysa you have the same protection as you are used to with your ordinary bank. This enables you to sign up and start investing directly without having to register with any other bank.
The importance of a low fee
Over time, fees play a big part in the ultimate return. High fees that are deducted from your assets year after year eat up your capital and dampen the well-known effect of compound interest.
more in your Lysa account after 10 years compared to an equity fund with a fee of 1.5%*
Create account* 1.5% is a common fee for equity funds in Europe. See how we calculated.